Ask for prayers from friends and family for your last months of preparation before Confirmation
ADULTS & High School Students (9th - 12th grade)
Confirmation is the third Sacrament of Initiation
(following Baptism and Eucharist).
It is called Confirmation, because the faith given in Baptism is now confirmed and made strong...and means accepting responsibility for your faith and destiny.
Teens desiring to receive Confirmation must at least be in the 10th grade, attend Youth Ministry program (begins in the fall), have been baptized and received First Communion.
HS Teens (16 or in 9th-12th grade)
Registrations for the Confirmation Program began in late summer. If your family has transferred into the Treasure Valley from outside the region or from another state, please contact Youth Director.
Those in Confirmation program must turn in:
Sponsor form Parent and Confirmation Candidate Contracts Baptism Certificate (if not baptized at OLV) 1st Communion Certificate (if did not receive 1st Communion at OLV)