We meet on Thursdays from 10am - 12pm in the John Paul II room. Everyone is welcome.
Se reunen los jueves en el cuarto de Juan Pablo II de 10am - 12pm. Todos son bienvenidos.
Eucharistic Revival Video
Safe Environment Workshop
If you are new to the Parish or new to volunteering with Children, Youth or any of our ministries, please, contact the parish office to register for our next training.
If you have taken an SEW class in Idaho within the past two years, you can now "renew" your training on-line. Click here for details. Email churchoffice@olvcaldwell.org or bring your completion certificate or validation to the OLV parish office.
If you would like to learn more about SEW and why it is important to our Diocese, click here to read the letter from the Office of Chid, Youth and Adult Protection.