It is evident that one’s background is not as important than one’s willingness to carry out the mission entrusted by Jesus Christ. In the first reading, Amos acknowledges he is only but a lowly dresser of sycamores. A farmer who dedicated his time picking these fruits from the tree and putting them into baskets. A manual task but does not require much mental exercise. He had two jobs. The other job was to be a shepherd. He had to lead the sheep to graze and at a proper time to shear them as well. Perhaps he had them both full time, rather than two part-time jobs. He worked both jobs and was saturated with many tasks. How many people today must work two jobs not because they want more money, but out of necessity? How many people will have their hands filled with so much work? Even those who stay at home, work full time with many tasks to keep the house in good order. Today because of too much work there is no room to embrace the call to go out to evangelize. People are so busy with their work. They don’t have time to spare in the important task of evangelization. Amos could have reacted differently. He could have said “I am over-work. My hands are full.” However, when the Lord calls to have a prophetic voice to denounce injustices then its time to put everything else on hold. It’s time to revalue how life is being spent. Its time to give priority to work of God. It is time to set aside some time (in the busyness of today’s world) for God. It is time to reconfigure. This is what Amos did. He left his sycamores and his sheep, to prophesy to the people of Israel. The Gospel reading has a similar demand. When the Lord calls, He wants to keep it simple. When the Lord calls, He wants us to drop our baggage. So many things (problems and material possessions) are being carried around. They need to be dropped, and only carry what is necessary. We have seen those so-called mega-pastors who have travel in their private airplanes. How far are they from just wearing a pair of sandals and carry a walking stick? These people gain millions of dollars in their travels when the Lord said not to carry money in their belt. Others are about getting so many titles and positions in the hierarchy, trying to get many awards and accolades from the powers that be. They want to be in the inner circle of influential people, they forget the prophet Amos said ““I was no prophet, nor have I belonged to a company of prophets.” The prophet Amos clearly did not look for titles or being part of the club of the influential. Another example is those who go from house to house, they are preoccupied in meeting their quota of people they want to take to their religion. They are going from house to house when the Lord clearly says to stay in one house. The Lord wants simplicity both in life and in what we have. When the Lord calls, and the Lord will call, it is good to travel lightly, and to have enough time to heed His call. God has predestined us for His calling, and if we want to receive the inheritance of eternal life as adopted children, we ought to embrace the task of evangelization. This means carving some time for God and getting out of our comfort zone. This means searching, and reaching others with the Gospel of life, with the Gospel of salvation. This means preaching repentance inspired by the Holy Spirit. This means get rid of some many impediments clinging, so the message of evangelization is not hindered. It is true we don’t have leave everything, some things are permitted for the journey, but we need to start living more simply so we can fulfill the purpose of why we are in this world: to evangelize. If we do this then many of our sins will be forgiven, and many riches will be lavished upon us while on earth, and then in heaven as God chosen ones.