This Sunday’s readings remind us to not grow attached with earthly possessions for our own mental health. There are treasures in life that have nothing to do with material possessions. The more a person has the more the anxiety grows. It is better to live simply. A simple live helps us to be free of worries. There is a short story of a man who acquired a bag of gold. This man went days without sleeping, guarding the gold to make sure no one would steal it. For several days and weeks, he lost sleep guarding the gold until he realized the gold was making him miserable. He decided to return it, he rather be poor and sleep well than be rich and be anxious about earthly possessions. There is nothing bad in having plentiful resources for a good living. It’s when the attention is given to acquire more than what is necessary to live that our peace is taken away. There is a saying: man has to work to live, but not live to work. There are a couple of questions we can ask: How can we help with the abundance of our resources those who are in need? Am I allowing money and riches sway my heart and produce anxiety? At the end we will take nothing from this world, and what we leave behind are memories, and hopefully good ones. It is a blessing when a person dedicates life to what really matters, which is God and family. I know some would like to be remembered as a hard worker, but is that really the highest achievement while in this world? Isn’t not better to be remembered as one who loved God, loved life, and did not have cares in the world, especially concerning material possessions? Let’s not get attached to possessions and forget to enjoy life to the fullest. Let’s live for God and not for the worries of this world.